hd 680 DEI-V – Validatable rotary sealer
Product characteristics:
The validatable hd 680 DEI-V hawo Generation Easy rotary sealer with interface connection is used in the automatic closing of sealable pouches and reels in clinics, doctors and dentists surgeries. With a sealing speed of 10 m/min, it is also suitable for use in handling high numbers of instruments in small and mid-sized medical institutions. The hd 680 DEI-V rotary sealer fulfils all necessary requirements for process validation in accordance to ISO 11607-2 as well as the therefrom resulting specifications of the World Forum for Hospital Sterile Supply (WFHSS) detailed in the ‘Guideline for the Validation of the Sealing Process’.
Quickly graspable functions and thought through solutions make perfect operation possible. Due to the patented hawoflex sealing technology of the hd 680 DEI-V rotary sealer the device conforms to every sealing material, even HDPE (Tyvek®). The device can be fastened to the wall with a special mounting to save place. The hd 680 DEI-V provides an interface connection for external process documentation (e.g. ht 180 PT-USB, see figure) and for batch documentation systems.